Notes of Note The November 19, 2009 Pepcom Wine, Dine & Demo event was the release party for quite a few outstanding products of note for the itinerant knowledge purveyor. Let's deal with the newest "stuff" in categories.
Storage We know there are never enough electronic closets to in which to stuff materials. When there are almost enough, they are not nearby. Those of us who integrate video into our PowerPoint's can really devour the megabytes and to suffice we need a virtual cave for storage. Why not have a central source for lecture material? If you lecture in the same physical area and use a multimedia cart ( e.g. a large screen TV or a video projector and a laptop) as do some of us, you hard disk space nearby. One such drive is Imation's newest WX External hard drive that uses Wireless USB to provide 1.5 TB of file space which is approximately enough lecture/presentation material for the remainder of the century. It does this without any physical connection to a PC over a range of about 3-4meters. For the more tethered and timid, it also has standard wired connections like other manufacturer's drives. The wireless convenience factor makes it pricey at $450 list price, but the company is known for high reliability products. This one may deserve a look when the real (street) price is determined.
Virtually every well known hard drive manufacturer has a network attached storage (NAS) device that may also provide a solution to mass storage. While formerly these devices where the tended by the high priests and priestesses of data processing departments, they have been simplified so the small office user can easily use them. A NAS is essentially one or more external hard drives in an enclosure with sufficient circuitry to give it an address on a local network, or in many cases, an Internet address. This allows text or PowerPoint slide file storage to be placed virtually anywhere as long as network access is available. Many of the inexpensive device include software for streaming lar4ge video or audio files. Retrieving these often very large file from a remote location means that the small hard drives in lecture hall laptops will not pose any real limit to a very full multimedia presentation. It is also more than possible to have the storage unit at home rather than an on-campus office. This allows the peripatetic professor to prepare materials at home and even use part of the NAS's capacity for entertainment or archival purposes. The size of the units vary from 500 gigabytes to 4 terabytes and the prices vary with the size and features from $280 to $200 or more. The mention of these here is meant to be a "teaser" and will be more fully explored in future article. Check Western Digital, Seagate and Iomega for some excellent examples of this genre. Kingston Technology, 20 year veteran company in the PC memory and storage world, continues to improve on its line of USB thumb drives with models up to 64 GB. The new DataTraveler Locker line of storage sticks is smaller and less pricey than last year's models but offers the excellent Department of Defense standard file password protection that is almost identical to the higher price models. Just don't forget your password, because the line of drives will reformat after 10 unsuccessful log-.in attempts. The 4GB model costs about $36. The Smart Pen: Old Storage with a Twist The written record is still of obvious value. While the readability and transmission of electronic documents cannot be beat, there is no substitute for the "feel" of a marginal doodle or the changes in penmanship style that may convey the deeper meaning of any communication. Why not create both at the same time? With the use of special paper, printed with barely visible reference dots, the Livescribe Pulse pen "smartpen" does just that and more. Because it knows its location on the paper as you write, it will transcribe the written record into an editable electronic record in addition to the normal hand-written note. Additionally, it incorporates a sound recording/playback device, making it even more useful, especially for the user with a disability. In fact, this large pen-sized device can record 6 hours of audio or 12 hours of writing on a single charge. Part of the transcription magic is computer dependent and occurs only when the data is uploaded to the $30 add-on software on the desktop PC. The backup is built in since the original written data is already at hand in PDF format. The real genius of this 4 megabyte quite large-sized pen tool, may be the applications for it, whether existing or in development. For example , there are foreign-language dictionaries translate "on the fly" and some of them use the audio capability to correctly pronounce a word, even if the written form was a phonetic transliteration attempt. For those who don't want to suffer through meetings, an excellent blackjack game is one many available. for this platform. One of the drawbacks in the past for graphic input devices has been the cost of special notebooks or paper. That has ceased to be much of an issue for the LiveScribe. First, college sized notebooks are available from the company for about $5 each and second, for those on a tight budget, many color laser printers can make a virtually unlimited supply of paper with the included software. The only cost would be for paper and toner. The pen comes both 2 and 4 megabyte versions with the latter being able to store more than 400 hours of audio recordings or more than 12 hours of continuous writing. Shrunken PCs! Netbooks are "Looking" Better
Asus's and their partner NVidia, is the producer of many high-end graphic display products officially co-announced the Eee PC 1201N on November 19, 2009. This netbook seems to be a next-generation machine. Their new offering will use NVidia's new ION graphics chips. Both companies claim this change will allow their netbooks to smoothly display full 1080p HD graphics and output it via HDMI to an external monitor. The 12", 1366 x 768 pixels display 3.2 pound PC uses Windows 7 Home Premium and has a dual core processor, 2 GB of RAM, a 250GB hard drive, 802.11n WiFi, and Bluetooth 2.1 along with a webcam, stereo speakers, output ports for VGA, HDMI, Ethernet and audio ports with a claimed 5 hours of battery life in a package smaller than most textbooks. The full list price is $499, but expect about $400 as a "street" price after Christmas. Previous Asus model used by both NCCFUN's co-editors, have proven to be near flawless traveling companions for several years. We are awaiting the shipping models in December but it is fully expected that the 1201N will be at least as highly useful and dependable as its older siblings. Care & Maintenance
Check out Diskeeper's latest version of its eponymous product for 2010. It now not only de-fragments a drive after it is scrambled and slowed, but actually has a mode that will prevent that from happening in the future. While it reportedly slows the hard drive write cycle slightly, in informal testing this reviewer finds it imperceptible. Constantly assuring that the hard disk is operating optimally would be well worth any slight time cost even if it could be detected. Now Hear This !
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